House of Sault

From TheAgency


The House of Sault project is a stand alone project, but still takes place within the Sault Storyverse. The story itself follows the lives women who work in the field of adult entertainment. In the modern world, we would call these women, call girls, escorts, etc. The women of the House of Sault each have unique talents that make them part of the ensemble. People who patron the House of Sault have specific, distinct tastes and come to gain access to experiences that are truly unique.

The House of Sault concept will be a part of the Sweet & Saulty Magazine project with stories from this project included as features within the publication. It is also a segment that will be used to test user/viewer engagement.


The segment will include fictional and "real life"' subjects. The subjects from "real life" being a collection of escorts, harlots, hostesses, and dancers that Sault has encountered during his "adventures". And once the first iteration has been completed, serve as a way to showcase the magazine to future real life subjects that the Sault brand is attempting to feature.

In The House[edit]

Publication Info[edit]

At the start, this segment along with the entire S&S Magazine (Sweet & Saulty), will be a PDF file embed on the official Agency and Sault brand websites. That embed will feature a PDF flipbook function for online viewing and a download option for viewing offline. In the future, the Agency will be able to offer physical copies of the magazine at a price point that will be determined at that time.